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DOI: 10.15468/q3afgc 

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Cartilha de Identificação de espécies

De Paula 2023 – Guia de campo de Plantas Lenhosas do PARNA Catimbau Vol. 4

De Paula 2023 – Guia ilustrado de Plantas Lenhosas do PARNA Catimbau Vol. 4

Santos et al 2022 – Borboletas do Parna Catimbau – Guia de espécies

De Paula 2021 – Guia de campo de Plantas Lenhosas do PARNA Catimbau Vol. 3

De Paula 2021 – Guia ilustrado de Plantas Lenhosas do PARNA Catimbau Vol. 3

De Paula 2020 – Guia de campo de Plantas Lenhosas do PARNA Catimbau Vol. 2

De Paula 2020 – Guia ilustrado de Plantas Lenhosas do PARNA Catimbau Vol. 2

De Paula 2019 – Guia de campo de Sementes do PARNA Catimbau

De Paula 2019 – Guia ilustrado de Sementes do PARNA Catimbau

De Paula 2018 – Guia de campo de Plantas Lenhosas do  PARNA Catimbau Vol. 1

De Paula 2018 – Guia ilustrado de Plantas Lenhosas do PARNA Catimbau Vol. 1

Santos et al 2012 – Espécies Raras no PARNA Catimbau.

Santos et al 2012 – Espécies endêmicas no PARNA Catimbau.

Santos et al 2012 – Espécies invasoras no PARNA Catimbau.

Capítulos de Livros

Neglected but Potent Dry Forest Players: Ecological Role and Ecosystem Service Provision of Biological Soil Crusts in the Human-Modified Caatinga

Livro: Ecological development and functioning of biological soli crusts after natural and human disturbances

Tropical Dry Forest Compared to Rainforest and Associated Ecosystems in Brazil

Livro: Livro: Mycorrhizal Fungi in South America

Perturbação antrópica no Parque Nacional do Catimbau: Estaria a Caatinga transformando-se em um ecossistema emergente?

Livro: Pesquisas em Unidades de Conservação no Domínio da Caatinga: subsídios à gestão

Ecology of Leaf-Cutting Ants in Human-Modified Landscapes

Livro: Ant-Plant Interactions: Impacts of Humans on Terrestrial Ecosystems 

Publicações 2019

18. Domingos-Melo et al 2019 –  It’s raining fragrant nectar in the Caatinga: evidence of nectar olfactory signaling in bat-pollinated flowers. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America

17. Diniz et al 2019-  Flowers up! The effect of floral height along the shoot axis on the fitness of bat pollinated species. Annals of Botany

16. Marinho et al 2019 –   High diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in natural and anthropized sites of a Brazilian tropical dry forest (Caatinga). Fungal Ecology

15. Silva et al 2019 – A Small Elevational Gradient Shows Negative Bottom-to-Top Bryophyte Richness in a Seasonally Dry Forest in Brazil. Cryptogamie Bryologie

14. Otálora-Ardila et al 2019 – Thermally-assisted monitoring of bat abundance in an exceptional cave in Brazil’s Caatinga drylands. Acta Chiropterologica

13. Zorger et al 2019 –  Functional organization of woody plant assemblages along precipitation and human disturbance gradients in a seasonally dry tropical forest. Biotropica

12. Silva et al 2019 –  Spatiotemporal responses of ant communities across a disturbance gradient: the role of behavioral traits. Insectes Sociaux

11. Camara et al 2019 Anthropogenic disturbance and rainfall variation threaten the stability of plant–ant interactions in the Brazilian Caatinga. Ecography

10. Oliveira et al 2019 Effects of increasing aridity and chronic anthropogenic disturbance on seed dispersal by ants in Brazilian Caatinga. Journal of Animal Ecology

9. Santos et al 2019 –  Frugivory by birds in four species of Cactaceae in the Caatinga, a dry forest in Brazil. Iheringia, Série Zoologia 

8. Las-casas et al 2019 – The avifauna of the Catimbau National Park, an important protected area in the Brazilian semiarid. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 

7. Silva et al 2019 –  Extrafloral nectar as a driver of ant community spatial structure along disturbance and rainfall gradients in Brazilian dry forest.Journal of Tropical 

6. Pinho et al 2019 –   Plant functional assembly is mediated by rainfall and soil conditions in a seasonally dry tropical forest. Basic and Applied Ecology

5. Neri et al 2019 – Green versus green? Adverting potential conflicts between windpower generation and biodiversity conservation in Brazil. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation

4. Ribeiro et al 2019 – Functional diversity and composition of Caatinga woody flora are negatively impacted by chronic anthropogenic disturbance. Journal of Ecology

3. Silva et al 2019 – Climate change will reduce suitable Caatinga dry forest habitat for endemic plants with disproportionate impacts on specialized reproductive strategies. PLOS ONE

2. Souza et al 2019 – Multiple drivers of aboveground biomass in a human-modified landscape of the Caatinga dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management.

  1. Specht el al 2019 – Socioeconomic differences among residents, users and neighbor populations of a protected area in the Brazilian dry forest. Journal of Environmental Management.

Publicações 2020

23. Chaves et al 2020 –  Hunters’ preferences and perceptions as hunting predictors in a semiarid ecosystem. Science of the Total Environment

​22. Barbier et al 2020 –  Ecology of Antricola ticks in a bat cave in north-eastern Brazil. Experimental and Applied Acarology

21. Melo et al 2020 – Adding forests to the water–energy–food nexus. Nature Sustainability

20. Albuquerque-Lima et al 2020 –  An explosion of perfume: Mass flowering and sphingophily in the Caatinga dry region in Brazil. Plant Species Biology

19. Rocha et al 2020 –  Reproductive biology of columnar cacti: are bats the only protagonists in the pollination of Pilosocereus, a typical chiropterophilous genus? ​Folia Geobot

18. Domingos-Melo et al 2020 –  The dark side of the rain: self-pollination setbacks due to water exposure in Pavonia varians Moric (Malvaceae), a species with rain-dependent flowering.Acta Botanica Brasilica

17. Barbosa et al 2020 –  Reproductive biology of Syagrus coronata (Arecaceae): sex-biased insect visitation and the unusual case of scent emission by peduncular bracts. Plant Biology

16. Oliveira et al 2020 –  An endemic lizard of Catimbau National Park, Pernambuco, Brazil, as prey of Tropidurus cocorobensis (Squamata, Tropiduridae). Herpetology Notes

15. Carvalho et al 2020 –  Ants as providers of ecosystem services in Caatinga: How to inform society about ecological research. Journal of Environmental Analysis and Progress

14. Oliveira et al 2020 –  Plant protection services mediated by extrafloral nectaries decline with aridity but are not influenced by chronic anthropogenic disturbance in Brazilian Caatinga. Journal of Ecology

13. Menezes et al 2020 –  Introduced goats reduce the diversity and biomass of herbs in Caatinga dry forest. Land Degradation & Development

12. Gonçalves et al 2020 –  The palm Syagrus coronata proliferates and structures vascular epiphyte assemblages in a human-modified landscape of the Caatinga. Journal of Tropical Ecology

11. Alves et al 2020 –  Landscape-scale patterns and drivers of novel mammal communities in a human-modified protected area. Landscape Ecol

10. Andrade et al 2020 – Rainfall reduction increases insect herbivory in tropical herb communities. Journal of Vegetation Science

9. Trindade et al 2020 –  Water availability mediates functional shifts across ontogenetic stages in a regenerating seasonally dry tropical forest. Journal of Vegetation Science

8. Knoechelmann et al 2020 –  Leaf-cutting ants negatively impact the regeneration of the Caatinga dry forest across abandoned pastures. Biotropica

7. Pereira et al 2020 –  Intense mycorrhizal root colonization in a human-modified landscape of the Caatinga dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management

6. Silva et al 2020 –  Land use, soil properties and climate variables influence the nematode communities in the Caatinga dry forest. Applied Soil Ecology

5. Szyja et al 2020 –  Neglected but Potent Dry Forest Players: Ecological Role and Ecosystem Service Provision of Biological Soil Crusts in the Human-Modified Caatinga. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

4. Silva et al 2020 –  Divergent responses of plant reproductive strategies to chronic anthropogenic disturbance and aridity in the Caatinga dry forest. Science of the Total Environment.

3. Maia et al 2020 –  Species diversity of Glomeromycota in Brazilian biomes. Sydowia

2. Passos et al 2020 –   Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Community Structure in the Rhizosphere of Three Plant Species of Crystalline and Sedimentary Areas in the Brazilian Dry Forest. Microbial Ecology.

  1. Ventura et al 2020 –  Impacto de caprinos e ovinos sobre a comunidade de plantas regenerantes na caatinga. Gaia Scientia

Publicações 2021

16. Domingos-Melo et al 2021 –  Nocturnal ant integrates generalist pollination system in the Caatinga dry forest Brazilian Journal of Biology

15. Rito et al 2021 – Unraveling the drivers of plant taxonomic and phylogenetic β‑diversity in a human‑modified tropical dry forest. Biodiversity and Conservation

14. Aecyo et al 2021 –  Plastome evolution in the Caesalpinia group (Leguminosae) and its application in phylogenomics and populations genetics. Planta

13. Domingos-Melo et al 2021-  Sweet Rain- from Bat-Pollinated Flowers: How Does Sugar Concentration Modulate Nectar Retention? International Journal of Plant Sciences

12. Leal et al 2021a –  First record of albinism in a mustached bat (Chiroptera, Mormoopidae) from South America. Notas sobre Mamíferos Sudamericanos

11. Leal et al 2021b –  Morcegos cavernícolas do carste arenítico do Parque Nacional do catimbau, Nordeste do Brasil. Mastozoología Neotropical

10. Leal et al 2021c – Mobility of bats between caves: ecological aspects and implications for conservation and environmental licensing activities in Brazil. Studies on neotropical fauna and environment

9. Arnan et al 2021 – Individual and interactive effects of chronic anthropogenic disturbance and rainfall on taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic composition and diversity of extrafloral nectary‑bearing plants in Brazilian Caatinga. Conservation Ecology

8. Laurentino et al 2021 – Socioeconomic and ecological indicators in willingness to accept compensation for the conservation of medicinal plants in a tropical dry forest. Environment, Development and Sustainability

7. Filgueiras et al 2021 – Recovery of dung beetle assemblages in regenerating Caatinga dry forests following slash-and-burn agriculture. Forest Ecology and Management

6. Gonçalves et al 2021 –  Livelihood strategies and use of forest resources in a protected area in the Brazilian semiarid. Environment, Development and Sustainability

5. Gonçalves et al 2021 – Effects of domestic wood collection on tree community structure in a human-dominated seasonally dry tropical forest. Journal of Arid Environments

4. Vanderlei et al 2021 – Extensive clonal propagation and resprouting drive the regeneration of a Brazilian dry forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology

3. Jamelli et al 2021 – Habitat use and feeding behavior of domestic free-ranging goats in a seasonal tropical dry forest. Journal of Arid Environments

2. Silva et al 2021 –  Effect of land use and seasonality on nematode faunal structure and ecosystem functions in the Caatinga dry forest. European Journal of Soil Biology

  1. Barros et al 2021 – Resprouting drives successional pathways and the resilience of Caatinga dry forest in human-modified landscapes. Forest Ecology and Management

Publicações 2022

22. Silva et al 2022a Higher flower number in Jatropha mutabilis (Euphorbiaceae) increases the frequency of floral visitors in the Caatinga dry forest. Arthropod-Plant Interactions

21. Silva et al 2022b Climate change will likely threaten areas of suitable habitats for the most relevant medicinal plants native to the Caatinga dry forest. Ethnobiology and Conservation 

20. Oliveira et al 2022 Aridity mediates the effect of wood extraction on the reproductive output of an endemic disturbance-adapted woody species (Cenostigma microphyllum, Leguminosae) in the Caatinga dry forest. Austral Ecology

19. Centeno-Alvarado et al 2022a Climate change may reduce suitable habitats for Tacinga palmadora (Cactaceae) in the Caatinga dry forest: species distribution modeling considering plant‑pollinator interactions. Regional Environmental Change

18. Centeno-Alvarado et al 2022b Increasing chronic anthropogenic disturbances and aridity in differentially impact pollen traits and female reproductive success of Tacinga palmadora (Cactaceae) in a Caatinga dry forest. Regional Environmental Change

17. Barral et al 2022 Scented at day and night: diel variation in the floral scent chemistry of the threatened tree Amburana cearensis (Leguminosae) and effects of this variation on its pollinators. Flora 

16. Lins et al 2022 Exotic goats do not affect the seed bank but reduce seedling survival in a human-modified landscape of Caatinga dry forest. Journal of Arid Environments 

15. Oliveira et al 2022 Morphology of four common and phylogenetically distant ant species varies along disturbance and aridity gradients in the Caatinga dry forest. Biotropica

14. Câmara et al 2022 Drought-induced reductions in plant defenses: Insights from extrafloral nectaries in the Caatinga dry forest. Biotropica

13. Melo et al 2022 Aridity and chronic anthropogenic disturbance as organizing forces of fruit-feeding butterfly assemblages in a Caatinga dry forest. Biotropica.

12. Oitaven et al 2022 Trophic ecology of Gymnodactylus geckoides Spix, 1825 (Squamata, Phyllodactylidae) from Caatinga, Northeastern Brazil. Herpetozoa.

11. Oliveira et al 2022 Diet composition and tropic niche overlap of Ameivula ocellifera Spix 1825 (Squamata: Teiidae) and Tropidurus cocorobensis Rodrigues 1987 (Squamata: Tropiduridae), sympatric species with different foraging modes, in Caatinga. Herpetological Journal. 

10. Pontes et al 2022 Staminode of Jacaranda rugosa A.H. Gentry (Bignoniaceae) promotes functional specialization by ensuring signaling and mechanical fito medium‑sized bees. Organisms Diversity & Evolution

9. Pinho et al 2022 Cross-scale drivers of woody plant species commonness and rarity in the Brazilian drylands. Diversity and Distributions

8. Oliveira et al 2022 Chronic anthropogenic disturbances and aridity negatively affect specialized reproductive traits and strategies of edible fruit plant assemblages in a Caatinga dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management

7. Santos-Neto et al 2022 Aridity, but not disturbance, reduces the specialization and modularity of plant–insect herbivore interaction networks in Caatinga dry forest. Journal of Insect Conservation

6. Souza et al 2022 Extrafloral nectar secretion does not mediate ant predatory activity on Pityrocarpa moniliformis plants in a seasonally dry forest. Acta Oecologia

5. Pimentel et al 2022 Estimates of insect consumption and guano input in bat caves in Brazil. Mammal Research

4. Bezerra et al 2022 Drastic impoverishment of the soil seed bank in a tropical dry forest exposed to slash-and-burn agriculture. Forest Ecology and Management

3. Vanderlei et al 2022 Impoverished woody seedling assemblages and the regeneration of Caatinga dry forest in a human-modified landscape.Biotropica

2. Merano et al 2022 Contrasting effects of chronic anthropogenic disturbance on activity and species richness of insectivorous bats in neotropical dry forest. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

  1. Vieira et al 2022 Divergent herb communities in drier and chronically disturbed areas of the Brazilian CaatingaPerspectives in Ecology and Conservation

Publicações 2023

14. Cavalcanti & Astúa 2023 Coat color in Thylamys karimii (Petter, 1968) (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) in northeastern Brazil: intraspecific variation and geographic distribution

13. Bezerra et al. 2023 Habemus seeds but they are non-viable: The importance of assessing seed viability in seed rain

12. Araújo et al. 2023 Human disturbance is the major driver of vegetation changes in the Caatinga dry forest region

11. Kulka et al. 2023 Chronic anthropogenic disturbance alters litter decomposition and nutrient concentrations and stocks across a Caatinga dry forest chronosequence

10. Oliveira et al 2023 Divergent effects of leaf-cutting ant herbivory and soil engineering on the reproductive success of plants in a Caatinga dry forest

9. Almeida et al 2023 Notes on the diet and reproduction of Dryophylax phoenix in the Catimbau National Park, Pernambuco State, Brazil

8. Melo et al 2023 Resilient fruit‑feeding butterfly assemblages across a Caatinga dry forest chronosequence submitted to chronic anthropogenic disturbance. Journal of Insect Conservation

7. Silva et al 2023 Reproductive functional organization of woody plant assemblages along regeneration in a Caatinga dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management

6. Oliveira et al 2023 Leaf-cutting ant nests support less dense and impoverished seed assemblages in a human-modified Caatinga dry forest. Biotropica

5. Bezerra et al 2023 Negative impact of slash-and-burn agriculture on the seed rain in a tropical dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management 

4. De Paula et al 2023 The role of seed rain and soil seed bank in the regeneration of a Caatinga dry forest following slash-and-burn agriculture. Journal Arid Environments 

3. Noutcheu et al 2023 Coppicing as a driver of plant resprouting and the regeneration of a Caatinga dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management

2. Bezerra-Silva et al 2023 Comparative nectar dynamics in four ornithophilous Melocactus (Cactaceae) species in a seasonally dry tropical forest. Plant Species Biology

  1. Pereira et al 2023 The influence of chronic anthropogenic disturbance and precipitation on endemic birds in a Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest. Forest Ecology and Management